

due to mother's day i visited my parents' place. the weather over the weekend was rather lovely and i got to enjoy some good runs, especially the long one i did on sunday. it is really quite nice to be able to run just as long as i please; that the length of the run is not determined by my physique (of course in some point it eventually would be but we are talking about the lengths of a normal long run here). i can take a detour and not worry whether i will be too tired to finish or even keep it comfortable; i know that i will. i know my body well enough so that if something starts to hurt i can determine whether the pain is such that it would require attention or just some passing discomfort; and i know how to adjust my pace and stride in accordance of how i feel. 

this is not boasting or exaggerating but the result of running regularly (on average i would say maybe five times a week) for over ten years. that is a long time, and i have enjoyed it all the way. i have ran seven marathons so far  which isn't necessarily a huge amount, but given that i haven't even turned 30 yet it still tells its own tale of my liking to long-distance running. i have never tried longer distances than that but i have thought about it, and i have to say that ultra-running intrigues me. perhaps in a few years? 

i guess there is no real point in this text, just an expression or a reminder of how absolutely fantastic running really is and how good it can make me feel.