
goes around comes around

If you take the remains of what you believed in and stack it all together in a nice, neat pile, will the height of it be enough for you to climb on and see into the future you thought you would have? 

Perhaps not, and maybe it is better that way. Those poor dreams aren't enough to carry you into that future anyway, already you can feel how shaky they are under your weight; so much so that you have to wonder how you ever thought possible for them to be able to last.

But as they break down and make you fall on your face, as they tear and turn black so that you can't recognize them any more, worry not - hidden under the dead mass is already hiding something alive. 

You might not see it when you sit by your dead dreams weeping for them,  but it is there and your tears are making it stronger. Eventually it will break out through the bones of your gone future and grow past and above them, covering the dead so that you no longer see them. And time passes and you think about the old dreams less and less, and the new ones are now starting to flourish and soon you won't remember why you are crying.

You get up, dry your face and start climbing up, and the horizon that now opens up in front of your eyes is so beautiful; and for now, your feet are steady.


With or Without You

Your body is a temple, it is said. The word brings associations to concepts like purity, holiness and worshipping. A temple is strong, durable, it is to be treated with the respect it surely deserves; a home of gods, after all, created to serve something higher. What don't spring to mind as readily but are equally applicable are decay, ruins, the demolition that is time; that even temples will fall.

And of course the body is really not a temple at all. It is a collection of tissues, a patchwork of muscles and bones, cartilage and fat, held together by a fragile tree made of blood. The human body is a sophisticated machine, complex and fine-tuned to the extreme by evolution; and yet it breaks so easily, squashes into a mush from the power of an impact. The body yields, the soft tissue gives in and tears and the bones shatter into pieces; the life sustaining blood spills and runs dry. Through the injuries life leaks out and all that is suddenly left is dead mass, surprisingly heavy to move.

That is what your body is; not a temple.

The body is faulty, it gets sick and it fails; and even if you can build it, make it stronger and faster, there can still be a glitch in your code that will take you down completely unexpectedly. You have no way of knowing and nowhere to complain. 

Because your body is what you have to live in, your true home in this reality and the only thing that is really yours. Your skin is where you end and the limit of your knowledge; everything outside it is guessing. 

And this is why you should respect your body; because really, what would you do without?