
one of those

sometimes you have just plain shit mornings. 

it can start from something relatively small that you drag with you from the previous day, something that may or may not keep you up during the night -- but in any case something did, so when you wake up to the absolute darkness this country has to offer at quarter past five in the morning you really don't feel like you've slept all that much. or at least not even close to the amount you would need to in order to get through the 10 hr working day ahead of you.

with those preconditions it doesn't turn the what started out as an unpleasant morning into a good one that there is both rain and a bastardly wind outside, or that you have to stuff your iphone into your glove in order to protect it from the said rain, which is both very uncomfortable and extremely inconvenient. it also doesn't help that you can't really see anything because of the raindrops in your glasses or that the nice tune playing in your headphones is basically useless because that wind is blowing so loud that it drowns out pretty much everything else.

when your ankle or whatever joint it is this time that is bothering you starts to give some signs of its existence it can only add to your annoyance, as can the fact that you run into a puddle with a temperature and area of the arctic sea, only because you can't see a bloody thing because the street lights happen to be off. as you trot along with your soaking wet feet and almost get run over by a bus which doesn't seem to pay attention to the fact that the light for the pedestrians is green, it sort of becomes too much and you fall into a state of whatever-ness; the shit morning has taken over and there is not much to be done about it anymore.

i try to be really zen about it all and i'm doing a decent job; at least i haven't hurt anyone physically (yet). i think this is the difference between a normal person and a person who beats their wife, or kids, or becomes a serial killer who wears their victims as a hat -- they don't slouch into the resigned state of numbness brought about the shit mornings. 

life unfortunately is not a yacht in the mediterranean you can sit on drinking cocktails. i wish it were but it's not.  it's more like the fittest analogy of finnish winter i have yet seen -- a crow poking a pile of frozen vomit on a grey saturday morning.

rant over. surprisingly enough there was absolutely nothing of beauty or interest this morning for me to take a picture of (or maybe it was just me) so i'm posting an old photo, taken maybe in october or so.

it can only get better from here, i guess.

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