
find five mistakes

due to the persistent pains in my feet i finally went to see a specialist in order to find out if the cause of them is something more severe than just overdoing things. after detailed examinations and a few x-rays it turns out that i do have a stress fracture in my left foot, as well as visible signs of an old and already healed one.

i was close to devastated to hear this. stress fracture! weeks of not running? do i really have to go to that damn gym now every day for spinning? what else is there -- swimming? well that's not exercise, not with the level of efficiency i'm able to do it. maybe i can run with just one foot, has anyone ever tried that? all this and more went through my head in the instant following the information delivered to me by the doctor.

but behold-- the fracture the x-rays showed is nowhere near the spot that has been bothering me, so it turns out that it is probably either an old one which hasn't ossified properly, or then that little bone just happens to have been in two parts since the day i was born. either way, the happiest news of the week -- at this moment the x-rays don't show anything which would have mean i have to stop running.

in the limits the pain allows, said the doctor, and if things get worse then it is obviously a different matter, but for now i'm good to go.


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