
healthy mind in healthy body and all that

i very much dislike being sick. for the obvious discomfort of course, but also because being ill prevents you from doing things; i hate the feeling of being constrained by my body. in other words, if i don't do something i prefer it to be because of my own choice, not because i physically cannot.

and yet at the same time i am strangely fascinated by the change that happens once a flu takes over. how the previous day you can be running around, doing things and staying up as long as you please; and the next morning you are a pile of useless flesh, unable to bring yourself to do pretty much anything but to sleep and just feeling generally miserable about everything. and all this because of something external, some small thing that's not supposed to be there got into your system; and it does make you think how easy you fall.

and we're talking about a flu here; i dare not even think how it feels to get sick in a way more severe and long-lasting. 

so even if i have been suffering from just a flu for the past few days, it has yet again served as a remainder how incredible it is to be healthy, generally speaking, and how important it is to do your best to support that health. something for us all to strive towards to, i would think.

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