
because i want to

why do we want the things we do? is it all learnt or a result of some kind of external influence; or is there some kind of inner driver that steers us into whatever direction? if so, what is behind this driver and what sets its goals? a coincidence? can you influence what you want - can you cease to look after something you previously considered worth striving for, or can you just decide to go for something and it that case, when does the decision to want something become automated so that you no longer view is as a conscious choice?

when is a want real? how can you tell a difference between the things you are supposed to want or you think you want because of some other motivator and the ones that you actually do? if you tell yourself long enough, do the first two become the third?

our wants is what really makes this world turn. the want to do something and be something, the want to be in a place you currently are not. or maybe, in some cases, to remain in the place where you are; but even that takes constant effort. the day when you don't want anything is the day when nothing can touch you, move you, hurt you; but it is also the day when nothing can bring you much joy or happiness. it is a static state, a one i don't know is possible or even desirable achieve; it might as well be the day you're dead.

but the question i would really like to know the answer to is that if you want something, is it enough? does that want in you, if it is genuine, is that enough to make the thing you want happen? does it make you so that it is possible to achieve the thing that you want?

if you just want it bad enough?

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