
what now?

adapt, adjust, get used to, acclimate --the great strength of our species that allows us to fit in to a new set of circumstances so as to survive and even prosper. this ability applies to both physical and mental settings and chances; and it makes it possible to continue existing in conditions you wouldn't have had they been such from the beginning.

the key is the subtlety of the change. a full-blown ice age tomorrow and most of us are as good as dead; but a gradual cooling of the climate and we adjust. a husband beats his wife to a pulp and the odds are she is gone the next day; but a slow shift from name-calling to pushing around and from there to the eventual hit and it so much more difficult to leave. 

we grow into out surroundings in a way so seamless it sometimes makes me wonder how much of our lives are due to what we chose and how much of what we ended up with.  i understand fully well that you can't judge things constantly, and that you have to give that time every now and then to see how the big picture develops in order to make sound decisions. but where does the line go? how often would it be a good idea to step out of yourself and honestly evaluate what the deal is and what is going on? to ask yourself if what you have is what you wanted and if it is, how can you keep it so and support it so that it won't slowly slide away, how can you appreciate what you have and not to start to take it for granted just because you grew into it; and if what you have is not exactly what you would prefer, truthfully consider what needs to be done in order to get back on track again. 

but where's the difference between trying hard and hitting your head into a wall?

wherever the line may be, it of course requires some courage to recognize it -- firstly to do the necessary evaluation and secondly to have the balls to make the required changes. it is especially so as the final aspect of the adaptability we possess is that it glues us quite tightly to the existing situation; and to break free from that can sometimes be quite distressing, even frighting -- i guess the human nature is often such that it is easier to stick with the slightly uncomfortable familiarity than venture out to the complete unknown.

but if you don't do it you only have yourself to blame.

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