
round and round

due to a few reasons - the busted ankle being one of them -- i've been forced to take it a bit easier in terms of running for the past week. the ankle is in theory good to run with, the problem lies more with doing yoga -- stretching the ankle sideways still causes noticeable pain, and i reckon it won't necessarily heal faster if i keep doing normal runs with it, and as i am beginning to feel not good for having skipped the regular practice, i am really looking forward to being 100% again.

so i've been doing just short runs in addition to going to spinning. spinning is a weird form of exercise -- in theory it sounds unbelievably dull, and in many cases it is (i have to say that if it were the only sport available i would probably end up being a couch potatoe -- spinning is, probably due to its nature as group exercise, something i can only do so much.). the reason why i bother going in the first place is that it can be terribly efficient; i doubt i would be able to wear myself out so much with running as i can with spinning. and i know it  is good to vary a bit, already for the sake of avoiding any kind of stress injuries.

that said, i truly and genuinely miss my normal runs and my yoga practice.


Paljasjalkamatti said...

I did my first short run today after almost two weeks of no running due to overuse injury. Yeah it sucks not to be able to do regular runs for a while but alternative activities help. Although I'm still not quite convinced to join a spinning session... but I do use the gym exercise bike occasionally. :) Good excercise to those bigger leg muscles without having to worry about being run over by a car or insulted by angy pedestrians.

anni maarit said...

Give it a try, it is surprisingly effective and even if it is dull it still beats just driving the bike by yourself (which is, for me at least, like watching the paint dry) :)

good luck with your recovery!