
simple, no?

it sometimes -- well, quite often actually -- puzzles me why people, myself included, do the things they do. human behaviour is sometimes so irrational; we do things we know we shouldn't, we hurt each other and ourselves, we lie and cheat and steal. and yet we are also capable of so many wonderful, magnificent things; able to create beauty and to be honest, loyal and decent.

even if i am an avid believer of the concept of dualism and truly think it would be difficult if not impossible to tell the good from the bad if either one did not exist, it saddens me every time when i am faced with the downsides of being human. i guess it serves as a reminder and also as a motivator to try to do better yourself; to be honest not only to others but above all to yourself.      

the same idea has been put out so many times -- treat others as you would want them to treat you, be the change you want to see in the world, act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law -- that it has become sort of a cliche. 

and still, for some reason, it seems to be so difficult for the majority of us. 

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