
lazy/ old

my attitude towards running on a treadmill varies. i used to not do it at all -- in my early 20s i ran outside no matter what the weather was like-- minus 25 degrees, bring it on, i didn't really mind. i even had running shoes with metal studs, and i have to admit i did get a feeling of glee from being able to run on pure ice without any fear of falling. 

then something happened and i realized there is the possibility of running indoors as well. so when the cold weather hit i switched to a treadmill, and i liked it to an extent -- sure, it's a bit dull, but also in many ways much more comfortable. you can even stare at a tv. later, when living  abroad, especially in budapest, i at times even preferred treadmill to running outside regardless of weather -- this was partly because there wasn't that great options in terms of running routes outdoors. therefore the choice was made based on what was practical, not what i necessarily preferred.

these days i go for the treadmill most often if the weather is nasty. i much more enjoy running outside -- it has more sensitivity in it, and it feels more relaxed and even efficient. i enjoy the emptiness of the streets and experiencing the awakening of the day. running on a treadmill is a little bit brutal, or mechanical if you will; and yet i find  myself there quite often these days. so now, when i have the option of running outside on a nice route and don't do it because of whatever reason, it makes me think -- when i look back to the mentality i had about 10 years ago when i didn't really even look to see what the weather was like and now i'm deterred by a small snowstorm -- i guess this is what becoming old is like.

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