
role playing

we all have certain amount of roles we toggle between in our daily lives, and they all come with their own parameters. if you  work as a doctor you behave differently than if you work on a construction site; and the way you choose your words depends whether you are with family or complete strangers.

some things you do because you have to, some because you want to; sometimes these things are one and the same.  that is the ideal situation; but we all know that it is not always the reality.  the real question is, do you sometimes have to want to do things? life is not always unfortunately as we would want it to be and things don't always go as we would want them to go, so it is rather naive to think that one could always have their way. but if you will yourself long enough, can something you previously didn't want to do or be become something that you do want? and does it then, in that point, matter that it wasn't what you originally wanted?